Genres: Art of living
According to the Japanese, everyone has an ikigai—a reason for living. And according to the residents of the Japanese village with the world’s longest-living people, finding it is the key to a happier and longer life. Having a strong sense of ikigai—where what you love, what you’re good at, what you can get paid for, and what the world needs all overlap—means that each day is infused with meaning. It’s the reason we get up in the morning. It’s also the reason many Japanese never really retire (in fact there’s no word in Japanese that means retire in the sense it does in English): They remain active and work at what they enjoy, because they’ve found a real purpose in life—the happiness of always being busy. In researching this book, the authors interviewed the residents of the Japanese village with the highest percentage of 100-year-olds—one of the world’s Blue Zones. Ikigai reveals the secrets to their longevity and happiness: how they eat, how they move, how they work, how they foste
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Life is Short (How to Spend It Wisely)
Ever notice how a year feels shorter now than when you were a kid? There's a scientific reason for that - and more importantly, you can actually change it. In this science-backed guide to psychological time perception, you'll discover why your brain makes time feel like it's racing by, and the practical steps to make your life feel richer and longer. No mystical practices or time management gimmicks - just pure neuroscience and proven psychological techniques that actually work..