
Genres: Communication

The Serious Business of Small Talk.svg photo_2025-01-13_13-20-49.jpg photo_2025-01-13_13-20-50.jpg photo_2025-01-13_13-20-51.jpg


Small talk is the single most important communication skill you can develop. Carol Fleming wants to show you that small talk is not as “small” as you might think. It’s the foundation of every relationship, professional and personal. It is the sound of people reaching out to each other, searching for similarities, shared interests, goodwill, connections, and friendship. And it’s something we all do every day with people we know. It’s just the one little bit about strangers that throws some people off. Graceful social conversation can be learned, even by those requiring the smallest of baby steps. Fleming covers the inner and outer aspects - from the right attitude to how to dress, move around, and introduce yourself. Most importantly, she lays out a series of simple, memorable conversational strategies that make it easy to go from “Nice weather we’re having” to a genuine, rewarding give-and-take. But she won’t tell you what to say. Believe it or not, you already have what you need ins

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How to Speak So That People Want to Listen | Julian Treasure | TED

Have you ever felt like you're talking, but nobody is listening? Here's Julian Treasure to help you fix that. As the sound expert demonstrates some useful vocal exercises and shares tips on how to speak with empathy, he offers his vision for a sonorous world of listening and understanding